Things To Do Before You Cast A Spell

Casting spells can be as simple as a prayer or mantra to ad advanced as a full-fledged ritual. The type of spell you are casting has a major effect on what you should do beforehand. Before you cast a spell…

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Why Did My Spell Not Work?

There are various types of spells that can be applied for achieving different kinds of goals. Wealth, health, and love are the most prominent of these. Many people swear by the effectiveness of the spells, while others may claim that…

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Expert Tips for Learning to Read Tarot Cards

There is an element of intimidation in learning to read Tarot cards. As with many things in the metaphysical community, the Tarot is often surrounded by myths and mysteries that can make people hesitant to use them. Reading Tarot cards…

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How To Choose A Tarot Card Deck

Many believe that a first Tarot deck must be a gift from someone else when they are just learning about Tarot and we hear the age-old myth that a person cannot choose their own first Tarot deck. People who believe…

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Mabon Spiked Apple Cider

I love Mabon and very much enjoy the weather starts to cool down leading to the beginning of leaves turning colors, the tomatoes ripening on the vines, and the fresh herbs becoming ready for their last harvest of the year….

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Ways To Celebrate Lammas

Lammas or Lughnassadh is one of my favorite holidays. For some reason, as it rolls on by I start to feel more connected to the earth and my life starts to settle in. I feel like this time of year…

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