Easy Mindfulness Activites

Last week one of my friends was talking about her self care activities. A common occurrence between us as she is clearly sent by the universe to teach me a lesson and despite the worlds every intention of stepping in…

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How To Make Black Salt

DIY Black salt for Magic

Black salt like many other black items used in the occult world is often associated with evil and dark magic by outsiders. Those within the craft know that black is powerful for protection and cleansing of negative energy. Black salt…

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Simple Ways to Celebrate Ostara

Spring is coming and so is Ostara. Ostara this year takes place on March 20th 2021. Ostara takes place on the spring equinox when the day and the night are equal. This celebration is similar to that of more secular…

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How To Attract Fairies

How to attract fairies to your garden

Fairies are mischievous little troublemakers when they come into your home. Always wandering off with shiny baubles. They can also bring gifts and blessings into your life. Inviting real fairies into your garden is a great way to enjoy them…

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The Magickal Properties Of Cinnamon

When it comes to magickal herbs cinnamon is one of my favorites. There are several great magickal properties of cinnamon anyone can take advantage of. Like Lavender, this herb has a wide variety of uses. Here are some great ways…

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5 Starter Herbs Every Witch Should Have

When it comes to magical tools plants have always been my thing. Plants and herbs are my greatest fascination and the base of my personal practice. Every witch, even if herbs do not call her, should have a few basic…

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