Find all of the witchling lessons here when they are ready.

Parents: This week our witchlings are going to get to know the element of the earth up close and personal. If you live in an area where you can not get outside during the time of year you are doing this lesson you can opt to buy a potted plant or even better fill a roll under the bed storage tote with dirt and rocks for your child.

This weeks shopping list:

This week the only thing you need is dirt and rocks. The best way to get this is to go outside with your children. The rest is totally optional.

Kids lessons:

Today we are going to learn about the element or the Earth. When studying the elements you will want to learn the correspondences for the element. This can vary by different traditions but most are pretty basic. In your practice, you may find other elemental correspondences that just feels right for you.

Today I would like you to add a page to your book of shadows with the information you collect on the earth element. You will find a fill in your own information page below that you can print for your book of shadows.

Earth Element Correspondences :

  • Direction: North
  • Power: Feminine
  • Season: Winter
  • Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Colors: Green, Brown, Black
  • Plants: Patchouli, Moss
  • Animals: Dog, Horse, Cow, Deer
  • Crystals: Agate, Onyx, Jasper, Quartz
  • Deities: Gaia, Persephone, Pan
  • Tarot: Pentacles

—-> Book Of Shadows Element Pages <—

Earth Activities:

This week’s big activity is to simply go outside and dig your hands in the dirt. Collect rocks and spend time holding them to feel their energy field. Bring a few rocks or a small bowl of dirt or sand home to place on your altar to represent earth. Spend time all week revisiting the outdoors to feel the earth beneath your feet and in your hands while you practice grounding and centering you learned earlier.

More activities for the earth element:

Plant seeds or add a new live house plant to your home.

Make a sensory bin with dirt, rocks, and small toys like fairly garden decorations to make a great place to play. (Tip if using this indoors place the bin in the middle of a kiddy pool or on top of a shower curtain for easy cleanup.)

Take some time to go do a park, beach, or roadside clean up.

This Weeks Book Suggestions.

For the littles:

Scribble Stones

For the older kids:

Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic