5 Tips for Pagan Parenting
When it comes to parenting the Pagan community is a bit short on resources. Christians seem to take the monopoly on parenting groups, sites, and resources. You will find me in a few Christian-based large family groups just because that is all that is available for us Large Family Moms.
While I find great tips on feeding and caring for a large family I often find myself gritting my teeth over the legalism and outright lack of acceptance many of these parents have even for their own children.
As Pagans, we need more Pagan-friendly parenting resources. I hope to help with that on this site. Starting with these Tips For Pagan Parents.
Tips for Pagan Parenting
Build a community of support around yourself. Like I said resources for pagan parents are slim pickings to say the least. To make parenting challenges easier on you. Give you a place to turn on the bad days and surround yourself with plenty of love and support.
Join a Pagan Parenting group on Facebook. This small but friendly Pagan Parents group is a good place to start. For families that homeschool there is a great Pagan Homeschoolers group that is fairly active.
If you have a coven ask for support when needed. For those that do not have one and would like to you can opt to build your own coven full of local pagan families.
Start a chapter of Spiral Scouts with other Pagan parents in your area to build a supportive community within your circle. Make a point to build nurture your own pagan community.
Enlist the support of loving friends and family. While not everyone will agree with your beliefs the right people will be happily on your team even if they don’t agree.
Allow these people to help your child learn and grow in ways you can’t. These are the ones you can call when you need a helping hand and the ones your children will trust as they age.
Bring a little magic into your child’s life
Embrace your child’s imagination. One thing many pagan parents love is that we have the freedom to embrace our children’s imagination and interests. While other religions fear that a child will be sent down the wrong path if we allow them to explore the fantasies and myths that fascinate them.
Give your children that freedom and let them lead you. You may discover a whole new world yourself. Read those fairy tales, watch those movies, and teach your child that magic does exist in this world.
Bring nature into your child’s everyday life. As a lover of nature, this is pretty much your standard. Sadly it can be easy to get caught up in the world of smartphones and video games. This makes it hard for your children to really connect with nature.
Waldorf education principles area great way to bring natural and all it’s wonder into your child’s everyday life from playtime at home to a world-class education.
Using Waldorf-style toys and activities in your home is a great way to build a learning environment that goes well with Pagan Parenting in every way imaginable, though the method itself is not expressly Pagan.
Embrace your Pagan Parenting
Involve your child in your faith. Most Pagan parents are not looking to push their personal beliefs on their children. Involving them in your faith and practice is a great way to help them find their own path.
Help your children celebrate the holidays with you and answer questions when they see you working. Ask them to join you so that they can get a feel for and an understanding of what you are doing.
This is a great opportunity to encourage them to learn and grow themselves. Help them build their own set of magical tools like making their own set of Runes.
Take on a positive parenting lifestyle. The positive parenting movement is perfect for Pagan Parents. You will find a of community parents working to offer their children a healthy positive lifestyle.
These parents are unlikely to make you feel out of place. These groups will always have suggestions to help you cope with the trying moments in your parenting journey because they understand.
Parenting is hard no matter what your walk in life is. The best piece of advice anyone can give to parents pagan or otherwise is that you need to give yourself a little grace. No one is perfect and it is all of our imperfections that give life the spice worth living.
Books for Pagan Parents
The Magickal Family: Pagan Living in Harmony with NatureWitchy Mama: Magickal Traditions, Motherly Insights & Sacred KnowledgeCircle Round: Raising Children in Goddess TraditionsPagan Parenting: Spiritual, Magical & Emotional Development of the ChildPagan Parenting (Revised Edition)Children of the Green: Raising our Kids in Pagan TraditionsParenting Pagan TotsThe Earth Child’s Handbook – Book 1: Crafts and inspiration for the spiritual child. (Volume 1)Pagan Family Values: Childhood and the Religious Imagination in Contemporary American Paganism (New and Alternative Religions)