The Beginners Guide To Scrying
The art of divination can be an amazing tool. From tarot cards and tea leaf reading to bone throwing and runes you can find all kinds of great life guidance with divination.
Anyone can use divination tools to help do some amazing things in their life and reach their manifestation goals. This beginner’s guide to scrying can help you dive right in today.
What is Scrying?
Scrying is a divination technique that involves gazing into a crystal ball, a mirror, or other reflective surface in order to gain insight or receive guidance.
The practice of scrying is said to allow the viewer to access higher states of consciousness and connect with their inner wisdom or the collective unconscious. It is often used as a way to receive guidance or answers to questions, or to explore the past, present, or future.
There are many different techniques and approaches to scrying, and the specific methods used can vary depending on the tradition or individual practitioner. Some people believe that certain materials, such as crystal balls or black mirrors, are more conducive to scrying than others. Others believe that certain environments, such as dimly lit rooms or outdoor spaces, are more suitable for scrying.
In general, scrying involves entering a relaxed and meditative state, focusing on the reflective surface, and allowing the mind to open to the messages or visions that may be revealed. It is often helpful to have a specific question or intention in mind when scrying, as this can help to focus the mind and facilitate the reception of guidance or insight.
How to make your own scrying mirror or bowl
Making your own scrying bowl or mirror is easier than you think. In fact, most people have supplies to do this right in their home.
:: Choose the material that you want to use for your scrying mirror or bowl. Some common materials for scrying mirrors include black glass, obsidian, and other dark, shiny surfaces. For scrying bowls, you might consider using a clear or semi-opaque bowl made of glass, crystal, or other reflective material.
:: Clean and polish your material to create a smooth, reflective surface. If you are using a black mirror, you might want to coat the back of the mirror with a black paint or finish to make the surface more opaque.
:: Create a frame or base for your scrying mirror or bowl if desired. This can help to stabilize the object and make it easier to use.
:: Find a suitable location to use your scrying mirror or bowl. Some people like to create a dedicated space for scrying, while others prefer to use a portable object that they can take with them.
Practice using your scrying mirror or bowl. This can involve gazing into the surface and allowing your mind to relax and open to the messages or visions that may be revealed. It can be helpful to have a specific question or intention in mind when scrying, as this can help to focus the mind and facilitate the reception of guidance or insight.
How to use a scrying bowl or mirror
Using a scrying bowl or mirror involves entering a relaxed and meditative state and gazing into the reflective surface in order to gain insight or receive guidance. Here are some general steps that you might follow when using a scrying bowl or mirror:
:: Find a comfortable and quiet location to use your scrying bowl or mirror. Some people like to create a dedicated space for scrying, while others prefer to use a portable object that they can take with them.
:: Prepare yourself for scrying by relaxing your body and mind. You might want to spend a few minutes breathing deeply and clearing your thoughts.
:: Hold the scrying bowl or mirror in front of you, or place it on a stable surface. If you are using a scrying bowl, you might want to fill it with water or another liquid to create a reflective surface.
:: Gaze into the reflective surface and allow your mind to relax and open to the messages or visions that may be revealed. It can be helpful to have a specific question or intention in mind when scrying, as this can help to focus the mind and facilitate the reception of guidance or insight.
:: Allow yourself to sink into a meditative state and let go of any expectations or preconceptions. Trust that the messages or visions that come to you are meaningful and relevant to your life.
:: Record any insights or guidance that you receive during your scrying session. This can be helpful for future reference and can allow you to look back and see how your scrying experiences have evolved over time.
A simple reference guide to some scrying symbols
Here is a general reference guide for interpreting scrying divination. Keep in mind that this is just one possible way of interpreting scrying, and other practitioners may have different techniques or associations.
Bright, clear images: These images might represent clarity or insight. They could suggest that you have a clear understanding of a situation or that you should trust your perceptions.
Fuzzy, unclear images: These images might represent confusion or uncertainty. They could suggest that you need to take more time to think things through or that you should be open to new perspectives.
Rapid movement or change: This might represent change or transformation. It could suggest that you are entering a period of transformation or that you should be open to change.
Stillness or stability: This might represent stability or reliability. It could suggest that you should focus on building stability or that a situation is dependable.
Symbols or patterns: These might represent messages or meanings. It could be helpful to consider the personal significance of the symbols or patterns that you see, as well as any cultural or universal associations they might have.
Colors: Different colors can have different meanings in scrying. For example, red might represent passion or energy, while blue might represent calm or insight. You can use this candle color magic guide to get an idea of colors and their meanings.