Wonderful Books About Brigid
With Imbolc around the corner, many are looking for ways to celebrate and to welcome Goddess and Saint Brigid into their homes. An easy way to celebrate Imbolc is to read about Brigid. These books are a great place to start your journey to learning about this intriguing goddess of hearth, home, and health.
Tending Brigid’s Flame: Awaken to the Celtic Goddess of Hearth, Temple, and Forge
Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess
Slip into a copy of Pagan Portals – Brigid: Meeting The Celtic Goddess Of Poetry, Forge, And Healing Well for a personal look at the life of goddess and Saint Brigid.
Brigid’s Mantle: A Celtic Dialogue Between Pagan and Christian
Imbolc: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Brigid’s Day
Brigid: Celtic Saint and Celtic Goddess
Brigid: Goddess, Druidess and Saint
Brigid and the Butter: A Legend about St Brigid
Brighid’s Healing: Ireland’s Celtic Medicine Traditions