The Element Encyclopedia Of 5000 Spells
When I was a young girl I dove into magic on my own. Eventually, I had been blessed to find a teacher in my best friend’s mother. A guide that would help me find the courage to learn more, that would show me that I was not alone and that there were resources I could take advantage of for a lifetime. Eventually, my parents found out. My mother who had no room to judge anyone’s choices freaked out and insisted that I was going to hell. My father well He didn’t believe in any of this. In fact, shortly before he died he asked my sister if I ever discover that Magic was fake. (Boy was he surprised when he learned I could connect with him in the afterlife.) Despite his doubts, he gave me my own copy of The Element Encyclopedia Of 5000 Spells.
The Element Encyclopedia Of 5000 Spells was the first book I ever added to my collection. I would spend hours reading the pages, high lighting and drawing and editing spells to fit my needs. To this day when I need information or want a spell without writing it myself, I often turn to its pages. I’m known to spend time reading this book with a pen or two in hand highlighting new passages as my life changes. I plan to get each of my children a copy when they are older. While mine is hardcover the paperback is much easier to obtain so that is what they will receive. I just hope it can hold up to being drug around like my copy did.
The Element Encyclopedia Of 5000 Spells Review
I plan to review books for you guys to create a good list of books that can guide you in your magickal journey. With my father on my mind lately, I decided that this would be the perfect first book to share with you. While I am certain many of you have heard of I couldn’t help but choose this one to start this series.
This book is so much more than a compilation of spells. It is a wealth of information on different forms of magic from around the world and through time. The amount of research and dedication that went into the creation of this book is evident in every page. Illes even leaves warnings and information that can help you practice magic safely. This book may not be the best option for those that choose the Wiccan path. In fact, it may be one of the reasons I never took that path but blazed my own.
Inside this book, you will find spells for everything you can imagine covering different forms of magic from simple to complicated from around the world. Knowledge of herbs, and simple actions you can do to attract the outcome you are after. She included tables and appendixes packed with correspondences and classifications to make building your own spells and learning the basics a breeze. If you can only get one book this is a great one to start with.
This book is more advanced but can be a great book for young witches just starting out with basics like the Wiccan rede