Science Kits for Teaching Pagan Kids
Magic is life and found in everything living, every natural thing, in each of us and despite what many people think magic is right before our eyes.
Teaching children science in a hands-on way is a great way to help your child come to an understanding with it comes to magic. From learning about crystals to chemistry science holds a bond between magic and the everyday.
These science kits are a great place to start and make learning science for fun kids.
Exploring geoids is a great way to teach your child about how crystals like Amathist are found. This set has a good batch of geodes to work with.
The young garden witch will be happy watching this terrarium grow through the winter. It makes a great opportunity to watch how plants grow up close and personal. swap the seeds for your child’s favorite magical herb.
Scientific Explorer POOF-Slinky Magic Science for Wizards Only Kit, (9) Activities, 0SA247
Use science to amaze your child with the magic the world has to offer while they learn about how the world works with these amazing science experiments.
National Geographic Mega Gemstone Mine – Dig Up 15 Real Gems
This kit comes with up to 15 gemstones that are perfect for getting your little witch started with crystals. They can learn how they are mined, research the properties of each ones, and dive into the magic of crystals with a fun and mysterious start.
Every kitchen witch knows the items in her kitchen can do some pretty amazing things. This set is a great way to get kids interested in learning what the items in your kitchen are capable of.
National Geographic Mega Fossil Mine – Dig Up 15 Real Fossils
Life and death are a cycle of which we are all part of. This fossil kit is a great opportunity to teach children about what happens to living things as they once again become a part of the earth itself.
Discovery Kids Extreme Weather by Horizon Group USA
One of the strongest forces of magic in the world comes from the weather. The very charge and current of mother nature. This kit helps children explore some of the strongest forces mother nature has to offer.
A great way to explore the magic of crystals is to explore how they are formed. This grow your own crystal set is perfect for teaching children how crystals are formed and the magical glow is sure to spark your young witches imagination encouraging them to explore the world of magic.
