New Moon. New You. Self Growth Magic For The New Moon
The energy lately has been intense. A cleaning with fire if you will. Coming out the other side has been no less intense but it has been so satisfying. Over the past few months I have let go of childhood trauma and found freedom in slowly letting the real me come to the surface.
While all these changes have been a bit of a shock to my husband they have been well received. I think my fear that he fell in love with the mask would affect how he felt about me but the more he embraced me for who I am the freer I feel to let the cascade fall. The new moon is a chance to open doors in your life.
Setting intentions for the new moon

Setting intentions for the full moon is a major step you can make to help bring your goals to reality and manifest your dreams. When working on self-growth the new moon is the perfect time to set your intentions. This is because as the moon waxes your growth grows with the moon.
For a easy way to cast your intentions write them down in your journal. Another great way to get the fires burning is to light a candle that corresponds with your intentions while thinking about them.
This will keep your intentions burning for a while helping build the energy around them.
Using deviation to help with self-growth.
Divination is one of my favorite things to do on the new moon. The new moon is a great time for divination revolving around growth, prosperity, and your personal journey.
For the new moon, I love working with a pendulum for clear yes and no answers to questions that help guide me toward my goals. This is great for helping to do the right path when your choices are to fully clear on their own.

I pull out my favorite Tarot Deck: Mystic Mondays when I want cards that are super responsive to me.
This time while doing my spiritual work ad taking photos for this post the 6 of Pentacles kept jumping out at me demanding I take the message the deck was telling me about abundance and blessing is heading my way. as a direct result of my growth.
This deck is also great because it has a matching Mystic Mondays app to quickly pull out the meanings of the cards faster than using a guidebook and can be handy for eve intuitive card readers. This is a great New Moon Tarot Card Spread.
New moon meditation
When working on self-growth mindfulness activities like meditation are a great way to connect to your inner self. Setting up a peaceful meditation space to use over the next few weeks is a great way to use the fresh new birth energy of the new moon to work on self-growth.
Why should you work on self-growth during the new moon?
The new moon is a great time to work on self-love and self-growth. Working on your inner self helps to bring your beauty to the forefront and can aid in beauty spells.
The growth in self is also vital to inviting love into your life making this a worthy intention to set if you are thinking about using magick to attract love into your life.
