5 Starter Herbs Every Witch Should Have

When it comes to magical tools plants have always been my thing. Plants and herbs are my greatest fascination and the base of my personal practice. Every witch, even if herbs do not call her, should have a few basic…

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5 Tips for Pagan Parenting

pagan parenting tips

When it comes to parenting the Pagan community is a bit short on resources. Christians seem to take the monopoly on parenting groups, sites, and resources. You will find me in a few Christian-based large family groups just because that…

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Must-Try Money Spells

Watching our world economy come crumbling down makes me think more and more about how important money is for survival. Today I decided to sit down and work away on a post full of my favorite money spells for those…

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Can You Buy Your Own Tarot Deck?

This question comes up often. A bit of bad advice that has been going around for years and just won’t quit. This common miss conception is often passed down by young witches just learning themselves and keeps getting passed around….

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Can I Use Witchcraft For My Own Gain?

We have had a major influx in new witches recently. We have also had a major influx of those that are still trapped in the legalistic mindset of modern Christianity and other religions that put limitations on its followers. This…

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Using Mirrors In Magic

Mirrors are a powerful magic tool that nearly everyone has available in their homes. Something we don’t usually think about until we are working on a spell to return unpleasant energy back to its sender but the truth is there…

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Simple Ways To Raise Your Vibration

One of the best ways to make your day go better and add power to your magickal working is to raise your personal vibration. When you raise your vibration you open yourself up to better outcomes and more joy in…

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What Is Palo Santo And How To Use It

We all know I am a lover of smudging my home. Something about a home without all of the negativity dragging it down that makes life so much easier on us all. I am the kind of person that always…

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Simple Activities for Mabon

I love fall. The cool air, fun activities, spirits wondering just begging to make connections, and the magic so strong you can feel it in the air. September is a busy month for us. With two kids having birthdays and…

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